Immerse yourself in the world of “Gaslamps, Gunsmoke, and Gothika” with this anthology of four short stories written by Wyatt M. Southerland. Explore the city of Saint Alasthine through the eyes of a working-class single father of two in “Wolves of St. Alasthine.” Travel the wild frontier alongside postal worker Bellamy van Gilsner on his last delivery in “The Postman’s Plight.” Witness the tragedy of the Krenshaw family as they attempt to escape a life of debt by colonizing the Alasthian West in “A Warning Unheeded.” Finally, follow Hank Pickett and his fellow outlaws in the gang of Buck Tannard as they attempt an ill-fated train heist in “What Comes of Itinerancy.” This anthology provides readers with a look into the mysterious and troubled world of “The Honeysuckle Horror.” Every dark corner is plagued by terrors mundane and magical, and its up to the people living in it to decide what they are willing to do to survive.
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